Minimalist Kitchen Design Tips

Creating a minimalist kitchen is interesting when we design a house. Although the themes we create a minimalist kitchen design, but it certainly does not eliminate the impression of a modern, luxurious and elegant. The kitchen in the house is a special concern, because in this room that the family members will go to look for in nutritional needs. modern kitchen design, beautiful and besih will determine how healthy quality of food in consumption.

Here are some tips that might be a reference when we create a kitchen design.

Selection of materials such as ceramics and furniture room that is not easy to look dirty when the stain stick, the material is easy to clean and able to show the atmosphere is clean and bright.

Using a material with a smooth texture without the cavity so that the dirt does not get in and hard to clean.

Plan and carry out the work so well that the kitchen roof completely shielded from the leak, if it happens to be on top of the bathroom floor and the toilet then it should cover it with waterproofing that does not leak into the kitchen space.

Making the kitchen table to put the stove to make it look practically it can be combined with a cupboard under the counter as a food or cooking utensils.

Reducing the use of furniture that is not so important that the room look spacious kitchen with no belongings scattered.

Diligent hygiene example by wiping after each gas burner cook, to clean stubborn stains ceramics can use special cleaning fluid with a variety of brands that are sold in the shop building.

Providing landfills with a closed form and made of materials that are not easily soiled, as an alternative to adding a plastic bag in it so that each is finished cooking can be disposed of so that garbage can remain dry and clean.

When finished cooking should immediately move the food to the table in order to avoid contamination of the kitchen table while clearing the table and kitchen appliances.

Closing the gap that can be entry points for ants, cockroaches, flies or other small insects powdered sow Mrica manner because the smell is very unwelcome ant stung him so we could drive without having to hurt.

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