Build Houses Two Floors? We Recommend That You Read Reviews Below

For people who have more funds to build homes with limited space, the second floor of the house is the right choice. Two floor house has a number of rooms were more than one floor space with the same land area.

Although many people assume that the second floor of the house is identical to house a luxury, but today, two or more floor houses an increasingly attractive option in addition to be a solution to the limitations of the land to be built homes.

If you are one of those who wants to build a house with two floors design, review below may need to understand it first:

1. Foundations
Strong or not a tergantun building on its foundation. One floor house with two floors require different types of foundations. Function is as a basic foundation of the building to withstand existing buildings thereon, therefore, the foundation must also be taken into account properly. Strong depth of the foundation determines whether or not a building, the deeper it will be stronger, the type of materials used such as rock and other mixed materials also have to be taken. You should always consult with experts who have experience and have a good reputation in designing and building a house to determine the foundation of your home. Identify the type of soil that is used as a building, whether collapsed or not vulnerable, and most important is that you must ensure that the foundation is made completely in accordance with the calculations that have been made.

2. Selection of building materials
Sometimes for some people who are building a house, let alone a two-storey house with a design which cost a lot, the selection of materials not in accordance with the standards of the reasons for wanting to save costs. The way of thinking is wrong, the selection of building materials is the key factor to the strength of the building. Do not be influenced by the price of the material is too cheap or too expensive, in this section you have to understand the specifications of building materials. If you use the services of an architect to create a design of your home, surely they use a standard specification of the detail of material that must be used, keep every detail of the standards to be executed.

3. High building
Due to the design used is a second floor, the building height will also be a reckoning. Try the first floor not too high and not too low, the first floor also had to be adjusted to the height of one floor home design. Floors that are too high or too low of course raises the uncomfortable impression and not appropriate.

4. Location of stairs
Stairs are an important part in the design of the second floor of the house, because the staircase is the access from the first floor to the second floor. Make sure the ladder correctly where the location will be made, the ladder should be placed on the part which does not disturb the view and disrupting traffic, in which case you should really pay attention to long-term needs. Make sure the ladder is made not too flat and not too steep, the stairs were too flat will spend the space, while the stairs are too steep will complicate traffic up and down. Stairs should also be made with strong materials and not slippery, and use a handle that is easily accessible both for adults or children for the sake of security of people who go up and down.

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